Periodicals. Databases


AeLib is a library of world literature. Originals and translations.

Athena is a books on philosophy, classical literature, economics, history, mineralogy, as well as books by Swiss and French authors in the original language. is a free website, fully searchable and viewable. Here you can find a complete set of reference works in English - encyclopedias, dictionaries, manuals, databases of quotations. The list of guides includes Columbia Encyclopedia, American Heritage Dictionary, the English dictionary of the synonyms "Roget's Thesaurus" and many other high-quality reference works. The site also presents a small number of classical stories and about 18,000 verses for reading. (English).

The Central European Journal Of Social Sciences And Humanities (CEJSH) an open source electronic database publishing English abstracts of articles and reviews appearing mainly in national languages in scientific journals devoted to social sciences and humanities in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, the Slovak Republic, as well as in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Serbia, Slovenia and Ukraine.

Diasporiana an electronic library, a project to preserve the intellectual heritage of Ukrainian emigration. Contains rare editions of different directions. The resource provides access to scientific literature in the field of social and humanitarian disciplines.

European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS) abstracts of the Humanities and Social Sciences. Publications are presented in English as well as in a number of major European languages. The abstract database and citation of scientific materials ERIH PLUS is the world's largest platform for the publication and tracking of works in the Social and Humanitarian spheres. Magazines that fall into the monitoring system ERIH PLUS meet the strict European requirements for scientific publications.

Palgrave Macmillan an academic publishing house, directs its publishing activities to meet the educational needs of higher education and the professional sector. Palgrave Macmillan publishes textbooks, magazines, monographs, professional and reference materials in print and electronic form. Direction - Humanities, Social Sciences and Business. 

Бібліотечка пана Більбо several fragments of Tolkien's translations and a lot of Ukrainian studies on Tolkien (Boynitsky, Tikhomirov).

Бібліотека Української Літератури a portal where you can find the full texts of literary works (prose and poetry) of Ukrainian and foreign literature in Ukrainian, materials on literary studies, the encyclopedia of literary terms, biographies of writers. The purpose of this site is to make Ukrainian literature accessible to anyone who wants to read it.

OpenBook is a free online library of classical Ukrainian and world literature.

Ізборник. Історія України IX-XVIII ст. Першоджерела та інтерпретації the project of the electronic library of ancient Ukrainian literature. The library is a collection of electronic books and texts, united by the proclaimed subject and the only idea. The idea of ​​the project is to strive to collect as many works of Ukrainian writing as possible not just as a random collection of texts of different times and authors, but against the background of a holistic cultural-historical process, where clear understanding of the unity, heredity and identity of Ukrainian literature becomes clear, despite obvious discrepancies in the language code and there are breaks in tradition. In this background are the chronicles, chronicles and historical documents.

Література українською is a collected on the site in formats: jar, jad, txt, fb2, epub, doc, easy to read on mobile devices (mobile phones, smartphones, PDAs, tablets, MP3 players, book readers). In order to start reading enough to download the books absolutely free. You can also view texts online.

Медієвіст is a project that combines the scientific contributions of different authors, original Latin texts and translations into one resource for researchers in Ukrainian literature, history of literature, and the history of Ukraine.

Academic Journals full-text English-language scientific journals on medical, social, biological, physical, legal, arts and education.

Academic Journals Database (Швейцарія) a universal database of periodical covering fundamental research in all fields of knowledge. Especially strong in Medical Research, Humanities and Social Sciences. The journals in this database contain full bibliographic citations, precise indexing and informative theses for articles from a wide range of periodicals. The database contains approximately 5,800 internationally recognized journals. 1.28 million articles are available online.

Academic Search Premier EBSCO a database containing full texts of publications of more than 3,200 scientific publications on a wide range of social and humanitarian disciplines. Licensed Access.

Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) provides access to metadata and full text books of academic publishing houses on open access on the Internet. The service allows you to search for books by the following parameters: name of the book, author, keywords, book annotations, publisher, ISSN / ISBN book or all of the listed items. Open Access

Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) free access to full-text, peer-reviewed journals from all fields of knowledge and in different languages.

Directory of Research Journals Index (DRJI) (India) provides free access to scientific literature to support the use of research and information in order to improve the quality of teaching, teaching and research. To index the site, thousands of resources are reviewed and evaluated to help researchers select key web sites and research journals. The product functions as a gateway that provides metadata for indexed articles in social networks, other indexing systems and electronic libraries.

HighWire Press a scientific portal of the Stanford University Library that provides access to more than 1,500 journals, books, conferences and other publications, 5 million full-text article reviews, of which about 2 million are freely available. Subjects: physical, biological, medical, social and humanitarian sciences.

Ingenta Connect the diverse abstract database (chemistry, physics, computer science, mathematics, biology, medicine, economics, social sciences, etc.) offers access to 4.5 million articles from 13.5 thousand scientific journals by such well-known publishers as Elsevier, Springer, IOP Publishing, Taylor and Francis, NPG and others.

J-Gate an electronic library of scientific journals on Social, Humanitarian, Natural Sciences and Engineering, supported by Informatics India Ltd. Currently includes more than 6300 names of magazines, organized in the fields of knowledge. Document search is carried out by author, title, keywords, date of publication.

Journals4Free portal of open access journals. More than 7000 titles of academic journals! Search can be done by category, language, or presence in databases.

OAPEN (Open Access Publishing in European Networks) international project of open access to monographs in the field of humanities and social sciences. Full texts in pdf format. The database is supported by a consortium of university academic publishing houses in Europe, provides access to over 700 titles of books in English and other European languages in social sciences, sociology, economics, jurisprudence, history, philology, linguistics, and art. OAPEN contains monographs in English, German, Italian.

Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe (OpenAIRE) the database is aimed at storing and disseminating scientific articles in such fields of knowledge as energy, the environment, health, cognitive interaction systems, electronic infrastructures, socio-economic and humanities. OpenAIRE is also a project for access to the results of research carried out on the territory of European countries, in particular to those funded by the European Union, the European Commission, and also conducted within the framework of the "Horizon 2020" program.

Persee a portal featuring a collection of French journals in the humanities and social sciences. The collection contains complete texts about 90 thousand articles and about 14 thousand audio files (versions) of articles from 72 titles of periodicals covering the following disciplines: Philosophy, Anthropology, Archeology, Art, Economics, Geography, History, Information, Communications in the field of science, Jurisprudence, Linguistics, Literature, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology. An archive of some materials, such as Bibliotheque de l'Ecole des charts.

Project Gutenberg public (voluntary) initiative on digitization, archiving and dissemination of cultural works. It is the oldest universal e-library. Most units in this collection are full texts of books that are in the public domain.

ScienceDirect one of the largest online collections of published research. Owned by the Dutch publishing house Elsevier. The collection contains almost 12 million elements of content from more than 3,500 journals and more than 34,000 e-books, directories, and scientific collections. Annotations of most articles are freely accessible. Access to the full article text requires a subscription.

SpringerLink the SpringerLink platform is an access to electronic resources from the Springer publishing house, one of Europe's largest providers of scientific information. The information base includes more than 2700 periodicals from all disciplines (English, German). Licensed access.

SpringerOpen an archive of peer-reviewed scientific journals in all fields of science with open access from Springer Publishing and an interdisciplinary database.

UNdata unites the main United Nations databases. The UNdata system contains databases, tables and glossaries that hold more than 60 million records covering a wide range of topics, including agriculture, education, employment, energy, the environment, health, HIV / AIDS, crime, human development, industry , Information and Communication Technologies, National Accounts, Population / Refugees, Tourism, Trade, and Millennium Development Goals indicator.

Енциклопедія Сучасної України (ЕСУ) the first online version of the multi-volume encyclopedia that truly, impartially and comprehensively presents a holistic, multi-faceted image of Ukraine of the XX-XXI centuries in individuals, institutions, and concepts. The publication covers all spheres of life of Ukraine - from geographical position, nature, history, political system, economy and industry, science, culture, art, literature to sports and youth subculture.

Crossref is an association of scientific publishing houses that develops a common infrastructure to support more effective scientific communications. Crossref's citation system now covers over 68 million journal articles and other content elements (books, dissertations, technical reports, etc.) from thousands of scientific and professional publishers around the world. Open access

Index Translationum a bibliographic database of translations from around the world, contains about 2 million book entries from 250,000 authors from more than 100 countries. Open Access to digital resources.

Online Computer Library Center, Inc. (OCLC) nonprofit, affiliate, computer library service and research organization specializing in public goals for expanding access to information in the world.

WorldCat the largest bibliographic database in the world, which has over 240 million records of all types of works in 470 languages of the world. The database is created by joint efforts of more than 72 thousand libraries from 170 countries in the framework of organization Online Computer Library Center.

Internet Resources

Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL) the leading online library of prestigious scientific resources in the humanities and social sciences of Central and Eastern Europe.

COPAC Union Catalogue (United Kingdom) a directory of 22 most authoritative university libraries in Britain and Ireland, as well as the British Library. Works on Z39.50 protocol. There are three search options available: by author and title, by subject area and by search of periodicals. All interfaces are simple and convenient. In the results list, you can view the full record and / or mark it for further storage. The service functions include the ability to upload results to the specified e-mail address. The disadvantage of this directory is typical for most directories that run under Z39.50: the results include a large number of duplicate entries per publication, from databases of various libraries.

DANS (Data Archiving and Networked Services) electronic archive and service organization for data archiving and network services. The archive combines collections of art, humanities and social sciences, health care, and others. DANS is created by the Institute of the Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences of the Netherlands, supported by the Government of the Netherlands (KNAW) and the Organization for Scientific Research (NOW).

De Gruyter a well-known academic publishing house for books and magazines (formerly Versita). Launches more than 400 titles (both own and "invitees") of academic journals of various disciplines, mostly from Central and Eastern European countries.

The Directory of Open Access Repositories (OpenDOAR) search for reliable scientific information in open repositories around the world, supported by the SHERPA service at the University of Nottingham. Provides opportunities for searching scientific materials in various fields of knowledge in more than 2 600 e-archives.

Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek (EZB) the library of electronic journals since 1997 in the framework of the project of the University Library of Regensburg, in collaboration with the Library of the Munich Technical University, offers quick, structured and unified access (in English and German) to full-length scholarly journals. It includes 76 419 titles, of which 13,923 journals from all fields of knowledge are issued only in electronic form. 45,575 titles of journals are freely available in full-text version. All institutions have full access to all publications in the project.

E-Books Directory a free web resource from which you can download books, documents, lectures, technical documents. The resource contains links to more than 1,780 e-books listed in 392 categories, including business, computer science, engineering, humanities, literature, medicine, and much more.

EBooks@Adelaide the online library of the University of Adelaide offers classical works of literature, philosophy, science and history of the University of Adelaide (English).

Figshare is a repository that allows you to upload, store and share research results openly.

Gallica is a one of the largest French-language electronic libraries in the world (since 2007, increasing by 100,000 titles per year), it is based on the funds of the National Library of France. Many free works, mostly French, can be downloaded in PDF format.

Internet Archive a nonprofit organization located in San Francisco, California, whose goal is to preserve cultural heritage. The web service supports an electronic library, archive of network and multimedia resources, software, movies, books, and sound recordings.

Open J-Gate an electronic library of scientific journals on social, humanitarian, natural sciences and engineering, supported by Informatics India Ltd. Currently includes more than 6300 names of magazines, organized in the fields of knowledge. Document search is carried out by author, title, keywords, date of publication.

Open Library a site that aims to create a catalog of books that have ever been published. Works on the principle of Wikipedia - the creation of a separate page for a separate book by the users themselves. In addition to the catalog of books, the resource provides free access to e-books (today - more than 1 million names).

Open Textbooks Library access to the open source library of free, peer-reviewed, and licensed textbooks.

Registry of Open Access Repositories (ROAR) a register of all repositories and other sources of open information all over the world. The project is developed by the University of Southampton (UK) and is part of the network.

Scribd a social service that allows anyone on the Internet to easily publish, distribute and share e-books, documents, presentations, newsletters, and more. Documents from Scribd are displayed in a special flash module, which can also be embedded on any page (for example, blogs) using the HTML code provided by the service.

The Free Library founded in 2003, the resource offers free full-text versions of classical literary works from hundreds of well-known authors, biographies, and images. Recently, the Free Library has been expanded to include a massive collection of periodicals from hundreds of leading publications on business and finance, communications, culture, health, humanities, law, politics, technology and the social sciences.

The New York Public Library the American Bookbinding, which holds one of the best collections of books in the world. The New York Public Library is one of the largest scientific library systems in the world. From the library site you can download over 1,000 books in different formats and in different languages (English, Spanish, Russian, Vietnamese) for free.

The University of Oxford Text Archive the Oxford University Electronic Text Archive contains over 2600 literary texts (works of fiction, memoirs, letters) and literary works in English and other European languages.

University of Chicago Library supports the University of Chicago's commitment to research and teaching in social, humanitarian and pedagogical sciences and uses its intellectual resources to address the problems of science and education around the world.

World Digital Library the world's digital library, which provides free access to a large number of materials through the Internet, representing the cultures of different countries in six languages. WDL allows you to discover, explore and enjoy the treasures of the world's cultural heritage on one site. These are manuscripts, maps, rare books, musical scores, recordings, films, photographs, photographs and architectural drawings.

World Public Library is a global resource that gives access to classical works of literature, periodicals, bibliographic information, reference literature, etc. The theme includes the following collections: literature (adventure, classical, dramatic, detective, children's, scientific), literature of the Elizabethan era, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance and the XXI century, folklore, history, humanities, poetry, political science, religious studies, science fiction, biography, esotericism. The resource provides access to books by renowned world-class academic publishers, electronic and audio books, comics and periodicals. The portal allows you to download books in pdf format.

Myslene Drevo an electronic library containing the full texts of scientific works of various subjects (section "Science"), educational literature (section "Education", "Schoolchildren" and "Students"), works of Ukrainian literature, as well as works of world literature in Ukrainian translations ( section "Literature"), Ukrainian journalistic works (section "Publicism").

Наукова електронна бібліотека періодичних видань НАН України an open access library and provides free access for readers to scientific information on the Internet with the right to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, refer to full-text articles, index, ie use it with a legitimate purpose without financial, legal and technical obstacles. Today there are 6,500 titles of publications.

Scientific Periodicals Ukraine the portal of the scientific periodicals of the National Library of Ukraine to them. VI Vernadsky National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine presents open access to scientific journals and collections of scientific works published in Ukraine, contains more than 35 000 titles of editions.

Наукова періодика України the state-of-the-art technological platform, which provides the processes of editorial work, publication and post-post support of scientific periodicals of Ukraine. The resource is developed on the basis of the partnership of publishers and libraries of Ukraine. The system contains Ukrainian journals on history, economics, cultural studies, medicine, art studies, pedagogy, political science, engineering, physics and mathematics, philology, and philosophy.

Baidu (кит. 百度 (Bǎidù), Байду, NASDAQ: BIDU) is a leader among Chinese search system. By the number of queries, the search site "Baidu" ranks 3rd in the world (3 billion 428 million, with a share in the global search 5.2%).

BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine) (Germany) one of the world's largest search engines, specialized in finding scientific documents for open access on the Internet. Operator BASE is a library of the University Bielefeld (Germany). BASE collects, normalizes and indexes data from repository servers using the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH). In addition to the OAI metadata, BASE indexes selected web sites and local library data. All this together can be searched through one interface.

DuckDuckGo the site provides an open source search engine that uses information from many sources to deliver accurate and varied results. Compliance with the policy of full privacy - refusal to collect, store and process user data.

Google Scholar is a freely available search engine that indexes the full text of scientific publications of all formats and disciplines. Google Scholar includes articles published in magazines, stored in repositories or located on research sites or individual scholars.

Google Books is a full-text search service for books digitized by Google (over 10 million books from the largest US libraries). The library offers millions of excellent editions with which you can familiarize yourself or read them absolutely free (in Russian, etc.).

Metasearch Search Engine – is a search service (valid since 1998) in more than 300 journals and journals in the field of management, economics, computer science, technology, education, sports, art, etc.

Microsoft Academic Search is a research portal from Microsoft Corporation that was developed to explore the links between scientists, researchers, students and their research.

RefSeek is a search system for students and researchers, searches through web pages, books, encyclopedias, magazines and newspapers. is a global scientific search system that searches for information on national and international scientific databases and portals.

Yahoo is a English-language search engine that has the most developed directory structure and various services. Hundreds of thousands of different Internet resources are arranged in 14 main sections, each of which has several sub-sections with more narrow themes.

Мета is a full-text search on servers of Ukraine and foreign Ukrainian servers, taking into account morphology of Ukrainian, Russian and English languages. Financial and computer news, weather, marketing researches of the Ukrainian Internet. is a social network for the cooperation of scientists. The network can be used to share with other articles, keep track of their quotes, and keep track of news of research and development by names and keywords. It is positioned as a universal network for representatives of all spheres of science.



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