Enterprise Services
The library of Sumy University provides information and library services to enterprises and organizations. The service is paid.
To order the service, send a request to the email:
Deadline: every month for a year.
Thematic selection of literature is carried out among publications available in the fund, prepaid resources and test access databases:
- books (monographs, textbooks, study guides) available in the collections of the library of Sumy State University, domestic and foreign libraries;
- articles from periodicals, in particular from journals indexed by Scopus and Web of Science databases;
- abstracts and dissertations;
- statistical data of state, international and commercial organizations;
- open educational resources;
- subscription electronic databases.
The service provides a URL link to all electronic documents if there is open access or subscription paid by the university.
Orders are fulfilled subject to the observance of copyright in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Copyright and Related Rights".
Contact person:
Inna Bulyga
Head of the Information and Bibliography Department
Library of Sumy State University (LIC-212)
Kharkivska str., 116, Sumy, 40007