Intentionally or accidentally ?!
Plagiarism can seriously affect your education and career.
University cooperates with two companies: ( and Turnitin, which provide services for testing academic texts for textual borrowings.
LIBRARY is a technical administrator and coordinator of the use of antiplagiarism systems at Sumy State University:
PROVIDES ADVISORY ASSISTANCE on any issues related to the verification of academic texts for textual borrowings to all registered users of the Library free of charge.
CREATES CORPORATE ACCOUNTS & DISTRIBUTES DOCUMENTS in antiplagiative systems to teachers, operators at faculties (departments).
PROVIDES A PAID TEXT CHECKING SERVICE to detect text borrowings (plagiarism check) for the academic community of SumDU. The inspection is carried out by licensing systems recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
The SumDU Library provides a paid service for plagiarism checking by the StrikePlagiarism licensing system. This system is recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for use in higher education institutions. In 2018 company signed Memorandum with Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
Contact person:
Central Library
Oksana Samodai
Head of the sector of information and analytical work and electronic resources +38 (0542) 66-51-06
Congress Center (r. 213), 9/1, Pokrovska str.
Medical Institute Library
Nataliia Dudchenko
Head of the sector of information and analytical work and electronic resources +38 (0542) 66-17-60
Medical Institute Library, 31, Sanatorna str.
Library Branch
Inna Gorbach
Leading librarian +38 (0542) 66-51-26
Congress Center (r. 235), 9/1, Pokrovska str.