At the initiative of Professor A.A. Ezhova of the Department of Physical Therapy, occupational therapy, and sports medicine and specialists from the Library, Sumy State University signed a cooperation agreement with Physiopedia. This is one of the most powerful resources for the continuing professional development of physical therapists. So it is not for nothing that Physiopedia is called the "Wikipedia for physical therapists".
Physiopedia provides free access to the Physioplus online platform.
Through Physioplus, students and educators can:
- take online courses and earn certifications with internationally recognized professional accreditation
- improve their professional knowledge in various areas of physical and occupational therapy: therapeutic massage, kinesiology, occupational therapy, sports medicine, chiropractic, etc.
- set up your electronic portfolio that stores all information about your training and activities
- join a communication platform for rehabilitation professionals from around the world at the link
- access the up-to-date ReLAB-HS rehabilitation resource repository at the link
- submit a request to develop new courses
Physioplus contains:
Online courses that are convenient and available anytime, anywhere
Instructor-led webinars with live interaction
E-books and peer-reviewed journals
Videos and podcasts
3D anatomy programs
A discussion forum for questions and discussion on all topics
Conditions of access: individual login and password.
Please get in touch with the administrator to register on the platform:
Dudchenko Natalia