Інституційний репозитарій СумДУElectronic Sumy State University Institutional Repository (hereinafter referred to as the Repository, eSSUIR) is an electronic archive that collects, systematizes, stores, and provides long-term open access to electronic publications and electronic versions of documents (works) of scientific and educational-methodical appointments, the authors of which are employees, graduate students, doctoral students, students of Sumy State University and others in accordance with the Regulation on the Institutional Repository of the SumDU.​


Tasks of the Repository:​

  • to provide accumulation, systematization, long-term centralized storage of electronic versions of works of scientific, educational, and methodical purpose, created by the communities of the university
  • to promote the popularity of the university and to increase the citation of the scientific publications of the SumDU staff by presenting its intellectual products in open access on the global network
  • create a reliable and accessible system of accounting for publications of scientific works of institutes, faculties, and other structural subdivisions of the University

The eSSUIR archive is represented by sections and collections whose content is determined by the SumDU communities in accordance with the University's scientific and educational processes. Academic texts may be included in the repository, namely: dissertations, qualifying final papers, scientific publications, reports in the field of scientific and scientific-technical activity, deposited scientific works, textbooks, study guides, other materials of a scientific and educational nature, which are finished works of non-temporary purpose. The materials required for publishing by the Academic Council of the University, as well as works published with the full or partial financing of the SumDU, are placed at the repository obligatory.

Access to the SumDU Repository is via the link: http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/

Instruction for the user




Oksana Samodai

LIC-213, 2nd floor
(0542) 68-79-29
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Larisa Oniksimova

Congress center
(0542) 66-51-06
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Sumy State University Library
116, Kharkivska st.
9/1, Pokrovska st.
40007, Ukraine, Sumy

  +38 (0542) 66-51-06
  [email protected]

When using materials from the site of the Library of the SumDU, the reference to the resource is necessarily!
