Welcome to the Sumy State University Library!
How to register:
- online: fill in the registration form and activate the service in your Personal Account
- offline: contact one of the library's user registration departments
Registering, you agree to comply with the Library Rules.
After registration, you can:
- use printed and electronic publications (periodicals, educational, scientific, reference, fiction books; for more information on the terms of issuance of literature, see the Library Rules)
- use electronic resources open to the university community through the Electronic Catalogue, the Repository, the Library website and the Libguides website
- use Wi-Fi access in equipped areas
- work with computer equipment in the reading rooms during the Library's working hours
- use the services and facilities of the Library
- book the Library premises for studying, group classes or meetings, events
- visit exhibitions of works of art and literature
- order the necessary articles and book chapters through the RapidILL interlibrary loan system or using the service of scanning and electronic delivery of documents
- receive consultations from library specialists
- receive library and bibliographic references
Have any questions? Please contact our user registration departments:
Central Library
+38 (0542) 33-10-39
Sumy State University Library (r. 206), Kharkivska str., 2, Sumy, 40007
Library Branch
+38 (0542) 66-51-06
Congress center (r. 202), Pokrovska str., 9/1, Sumy, 40000
Medical Institute Library
+38 (0542) 66-17-60
Medical Institute SumDU, Sanatorna str., 31, Sumy, 40018