Periodicals. Databases


ABI/INFORM Complete the database contains articles from the scientific journals of reputable world publishing houses and companies, including Cambridge University Press; Dow Jones & Company Inc; Emerald Group Publishing; Financial Times Limited; Incisive Media; Springer Science & Business Media; Sloan Management Review; Palgrave Macmillan; Kluwer Academic Publishers. ABI / INFORM Complete also presents hundreds of industrial reports and SWOT-analytics by country, market, trend; forecasting and competition, over 100,000 SSRN, INSEAD and OECD working documents, over 5,000 business cases, etc. Authorized access

American Mathematical Society (AMS) promotes the development of interests in the field of mathematical research.

GeoGebra a dynamic mathematics program for all levels of education that combines geometry, algebra, tables, graphs, statistics, and calculations in one easy-to-use package. GeoGebra is a rapidly growing community of millions of users located in almost every country. GeoGebra has become a leading supplier of dynamic maths, which is used to support science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), education and innovation in teaching and learning around the world.

IOPscience a free electronic resource that provides access to journals and books on maths, physics, engineering, and medicine.

Mathwords the website is designed for mathematical students who need an easy to use and understandable resource of mathematics in one place. This is an exhaustive list of formulas and definitions from the initial algebra to the calculation.

TutorialsPoint tutorials and reference books for exploring the basic principles of computer design, programming languages and computer networks. The platform contains both paid and free courses. Registration on the site is required.

zbMATH Open the most comprehensive recruiting and peer review service of pure and applied mathematics in the world. The goal is to collect, compile, publish and distribute bibliographic data and abstracts of books and articles devoted to all sections of mathematics and its applications in computer science, mechanics and physics.

Academic Journals full-text English-language scientific journals on medical, social, biological, physical, legal, arts and education.

Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) provides access to metadata and full textbooks of academic publishing houses on open access on the Internet. The service allows you to search for books by the following parameters: name of the book, author, keywords, book annotations, publisher, ISSN / ISBN book or all of the listed items. Open access

Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) free access to full-text, peer-reviewed journals from all fields of knowledge and in different languages.

Directory of Research Journals Index (DRJI) (India) provides free access to scientific literature to support the use of research and information in order to improve the quality of teaching, teaching and research. To index the site, thousands of resources are reviewed and evaluated to help researchers select key web sites and research journals. The product functions as a gateway that provides metadata for indexed articles in social networks, other indexing systems, and electronic libraries.

De Gruyter a well-known academic publishing house of books and magazines (formerly Versita), publishes more than 400 titles (both own and invitees) of academic journals of various disciplines, mostly from Central and Eastern European countries. Open access

EBSCO Academic Search Premier a database containing full texts of publications of more than 3,200 scientific publications on a wide range of social and humanitarian disciplines. Authorized access

Hindawi search among more than 200 peer-reviewed scientific journals of open access on engineering, mathematics, physics, chemistry, computer science, biology, medicine, etc. Publishing Corporation Hindawi. Open access

Ingenta Connect the diverse abstracts database (chemistry, physics, computer science, mathematics, biology, medicine, economics, social sciences, etc.) offers access to 4.5 million articles from 13.5 thousand scientific journals by such well-known publishers as Elsevier, Springer, IOP Publishing, Taylor and Francis, NPG and others.

J-Gate an electronic library of scientific journals on social, humanitarian, natural sciences and engineering, supported by Informatics India Ltd. Currently includes more than 6300 names of magazines, organized in the fields of knowledge. Document search is carried out by the author, title, keywords, date of publication.

Journals4Free a portal of over 7,000 titles of academic open access journals. Searches by category, language, or presence in databases.

OMICS International electronic open source database. Includes over 1,000 scientific journals and over 700 scientific conferences in such fields as medicine, chemistry, biology, computer science, mathematics, physics, agriculture, food engineering, veterinary science, psychology, social and political science, business. Open access

Open Academic Journals Index (OAJI) a full-text database of open access scientific journals, is an international platform for indexing open access scientific journals. Open access

ScienceDirect one of the largest online collections of published research. Owned by the Dutch publishing house Elsevier. The collection contains almost 12 million elements of content from more than 3,500 journals and more than 34,000 e-books, directories, and scientific collections. Annotations of most articles are freely accessible. Access to the full article text requires a subscription.

SpringerLink  the SpringerLink platform is access to electronic resources of the Springer publishing house, one of Europe's largest providers of scientific information. The information base includes more than 2700 periodicals from all disciplines (English, German). Licensed access

SpringerOpen an archive of peer-reviewed scientific journals in all fields of science with open access from Springer Publishing and an interdisciplinary database.

UNdata unites the main United Nations databases. The UNdata system contains databases, tables and glossaries that have over 60 million entries covering a wide range of topics, including agriculture, education, employment, energy, the environment, health, HIV / AIDS, crime, human development, industry, Information and Communication Technologies, National Accounts, Population / Refugees, Tourism, Trade, and Millennium Development Goals indicator.

 Internet Resources


ArXiv the most popular open source archive of essays and full texts of scientific publications, created on the basis of the library of the Cornell University. It contains more than 684 thousand electronic publications in physics, mathematics, computer science, biology, finance, and statistics.

The Directory of Open Access Repositories (OpenDOAR) search for reliable scientific information in open repositories around the world, supported by the SHERPA service at the University of Nottingham. Provides opportunities for searching scientific materials in various fields of knowledge in more than 2 600 e-archives.

E-Books Directory a free web resource from which you can download books, documents, lectures, technical documents. The resource contains links to more than 1,780 e-books listed in 392 categories, including business, computer science, engineering, humanities, literature, medicine, and much more.

Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek (EZB) a library of full-text electronic journals since 1997 within the framework of the project of the University Library of Regensburg. It contains 76 419 titles, of which 13,923 journals from all fields of knowledge are issued only in electronic form. 45,575 titles of journals are freely available in full-text version. All institutions have full access to all publications in the project.

Free Electronic Math Journals the site contains links to electronic journals in mathematics from several university publishing houses and professional societies. The site is maintained by Berkeley University.

Hathi Trust Digital Library a partnership of leading research institutes and libraries working to ensure the preservation and accessibility of cultural heritage in the future. The mission of HathiTrust is to foster science by gathering, organizing, storing, communicating and sharing the experience of human knowledge.

Hikari publisher of international journals and books on science, technology, mathematics, medicine, and economics. The Hikari logs are archived by the digital preservation service, whose purpose is to preserve scientific literature and ensure long-term access to electronic archives. Hikari is a member of the International Association of Publishers Association (Crossref) and co-founder of ICORE.

Open Library a site that aims to create a catalog of books that have ever been published. Works on the principle of Wikipedia - the creation of a separate page for a separate book by the users themselves. In addition to the catalog of books, the resource provides free access to e-books (today - more than 1 million names).

Open Textbooks Library open source library of free reviewed textbooks.

Publications and Preprints of the School of Mathematics and Statistics an electronic archive of publications and preprints of members and graduates of the School of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Sydney.

Registry of Open Access Repositories (ROAR) a register of all repositories and other sources of open information all over the world. The project is developed by the University of Southampton (UK).

CiteSeerX digital library and search engine, which mainly represents the literature in the field of computer science and informatics. In addition to articles, CiteSeerX provides access to resources such as: algorithms, metadata, software methods. Supported by Pennsylvania State University..

ICNMO Online Library publishing in the network of the golden fund of popular physics and mathematical literature, for free acquaintance represented dozens of electronic versions of books and magazines, especially mathematical direction.

Scientific electronic library of periodicals of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine the open access library provides free access for readers to scientific information on the Internet with the right to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, refer to full-text articles, index, ie use it with a legitimate purpose without financial, legal and technical obstacles. More than 6 500 titles of editions.

Scientific Periodicals Ukraine the portal of the scientific periodicals of the National Library of Ukraine to them. VI Vernadsky National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine presents open access to scientific journals and collections of scientific works published in Ukraine, contains more than 35 000 titles of editions.

BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine) (Germany) one of the world's largest search engines, specialized in finding scientific documents for open access on the Internet. Operator BASE is a library of the University Bielefeld (Germany). BASE collects, normalizes and indexes data from repository servers using the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH). In addition to the OAI metadata, BASE indexes selected web sites and local library data. All this together can be searched through one interface.

CiteSeerХ the search engine is focused on the publication of computer and information technology, although there are also materials from other industries. CiteSeerX not only finds resources in free access but also serves as an electronic library. That is why the keywords here are often found and downloaded in full.

EULER Search Engine the math portal provides access to the databases of the Library of the Dutch National Research Center for Mathematics and Computer Science, the Mathematical Holdings Library of the University of Florence, the Scientific Electronic Mathematical Archive (ERAM) 1886-1942, the German Special Library Library on Mathematics, and others.

Google Scholar a freely accessible search engine that indexes the full text of scientific publications of all formats and disciplines. Google Scholar includes articles published in magazines, stored in repositories or located on research sites or individual scholars.

Google Books full-text search service for books digitized by Google (over 10 million books from the largest US libraries). The library offers millions of great editions with which you can familiarize yourself or read them absolutely free.

Metasearch Search Engine search service (valid since 1998) in more than 300 journals and journals in the field of management, economics, computer science, technology, education, sports, art, etc.

RefSeek search engine for students and researchers, searches through web pages, books, encyclopedias, magazines, and newspapers. an online search engine that spans more than 60 databases and more than 2,200 individual sites from 15 federal agencies that offer 200 million pages of information from reputable U.S. research institutions, including research and development results. a scientific search engine that performs a full-text search in the magazines of many major publishing houses (Elsevier, Highwire, IEEE, Nature, Taylor & Francis, etc.). Searches for articles and documents in open scientific databases: Directory of Open Access Journals, Library of Congress Online Catalog,, Scientific News. a global scientific search engine that searches for information on national and international scientific databases and portals.

Yahoo English-language search engine that has the most developed directory structure and various services. Hundreds of thousands of different Internet resources are arranged in 14 main sections, each of which has several sub-sections with more narrow themes.

Меtа full-text search on servers of Ukraine and foreign Ukrainian servers, taking into account morphology of Ukrainian, Russian and English languages. Financial and computer news, weather, marketing researches of the Ukrainian Internet. social network for the cooperation of scientists. The network can be used to share with other articles, keep track of their quotes, and keep track of the news of research and development by names and keywords. It is positioned as a universal network for representatives of all spheres of science.

ResearchGate social network, oriented mainly to the representatives of natural and exact sciences.

Open Educational Resources


Analytics Vidhya (AV) a website that contains numerous blogs on various topics, such as machine learning, data visualization, etc. They also regularly make hackathons and encoding competitions.

Codementor offers tutorials for beginners and professionals. Students can access a number of useful guides on how best to analyze data. This includes typing in machine learning and tips on choosing the right software package for data analysis.

Cognitive Class a platform where you can get practical skills in the field of data science, artificial intelligence, blockade cloud computing, etc.

Compute Expert - Excel tutorials, calculations, formulas, tips, consultations.

DataCamp an online platform for learning. DataCamp offers interactive courses R, Python, Sheets, SQL. All topics in the field of science of data, statistics and machine learning.

DataFlair technology school for students from around the world, one of the best providers of online training. DataFlair offers 2-3 month courses on big data, Hadoop, Spark, Scala, Python, Apache Spark, Apache Flink, Apache Kafka and Apache HBase.

Excel Easy is an online tutorial for users who have absolutely no experience with Excel. Basics, functions, data analysis, VBA, 300 examples.

ExcelMojo - Learn and Master Microsoft Excel with 200+ free articles, step by step guides, all about formulas & functions, self-study resources and excel templates.

Excel Tutorials from basic to some advanced stuff with this blog. We have covered formulas, Tools, charts, productivity techniques, Useful Excel Tips, Different kinds of formulas with a practical approach.

Flowingdata tutorials offer expert advice on how to represent, analyze and understand data on real-time examples.

Kaggle a platform for researchers at different levels where they can test their data analysis models for serious and relevant tasks. The essence of such a resource – not only in the ability to get a good cash prize if your model will be better but also in order to gain experience and become a specialist in the field of data analysis and machine learning.

KDnuggets the leading AI, Analytics, large data, data mining, information technology, and machine learning.

Prometheus a public project for mass-media open online courses (MBAs) with free online access to the best university-level courses.

STHDA is a website for statistical data analysis and data visualization using R. software. It offers many textbooks on R. programming.

Topcoder the website offers tutorials that discuss various concepts related to the science of data and a platform in which industry experts can give advice.

Towards data science the platform is hosted on the Medium website to share ideas and expand understanding of data science by thousands of people. The corporation is registered in Canada.

Udacity a commercial educational organization offering massive open online courses. Video lectures in English with subtitles in combination with built-in tests and further homework. Students can register for one or more courses before the date of the first homework assignment. After completing the course, students receive a certificate of graduation.

Udemy a platform to access online courses from the world's leading educational institutions, including data processing and analysis.    

 Data Sources is a registry of research data repositories. 

Alpha Vantage is a leading provider of free APIs for real-time and historical data on stocks, forex (FX), and digital / cryptocurrencies.

UNData is a search engine that lets you download data from United Nations statistical resources.

KDnuggets is the largest data mining portal.

Kaggle is an online community of data scientists and machine learners, owned by Google LLC.

BASE is search data and scientific information. Ukrainian analytical online publication combining classic and data journalism.

Dataset Search is a Google search service.

Statista a portal to search the various statistical databases of the world.

Worldometers is a real-time keeps track of statistics on the world population, government, and politics, natural resources, health, media.

Internet Live Stats a monitor's internet usage statistics (number of websites, emails sent, active social media users).

Open Data Impact Map a public database of organizations that use open government data around the world.


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