With the support of the Ministry of Education and Science, Sumy State University gained access to the SciVal platform from Elsevier.

SciVal is one of the best tools for monitoring and analyzing international scientific research using visualization techniques and modern metrics, benchmarking, finding scientific partners, researching current scientific trends and finding management solutions, creating unique reports for organizing research activities.

Using advanced data analytics, SciVal lets you instantly process much information:

  • more than 50 million publications (since 1996) from more than 22,000 journals of 5,000 publishers worldwide;
  • the access to research information from over 14,000 research institutions and related researchers from 230 countries with over 280 trillion metric values enables to generate a powerful data analysis and visualization.

The source of data for SciVal is the Scopus database.

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Sumy State University Library
116, Kharkivska st.
40007, Ukraine, Sumy

  +38 (0542) 68-79-29
  [email protected]

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