Event Date: 2021-03-22
Event Time: 13-00
Target Audience: Professor/ Scientists, Staff
Event Place: Online
Subject: Study, Science
Announcement Mark: E-Resources

Elsevier Ukraine is conducting a webinar on the use of the ScienceDirect platform – a full-text database of peer-reviewed scientific articles in journals and book sections with over 2,500 journals and 39,000 books.

At this webinar we will demonstrate how you can find and access relevant, meaningful and interesting scientific content. It doesn't matter if you are looking for journals, books or other documents – ScienceDirect has it all seamlessly accessible. We will show you how to search for literature efficiently and how to stay current and on top of your research field.

Language: English

Duration: 1 hour

It requires registration to take part in the webinar.

We remind you that until December 31, 2021, Sumy State University received access to e-books (almost 39 thousand publications) on the ScienceDirect platform (including perpetual access to the collection of 2088 electronic monographs 2019-2020).

How to access the ScienceDirect platform.

Sumy State University Library
116, Kharkivska st.
40007, Ukraine, Sumy

  +38 (0542) 68-79-29
  [email protected]

When using materials from the site of the Library of the SumDU, the reference to the resource is necessarily!
