Дата події: 2025-01-23
Час події: 10:30
Цільова аудиторія: Викладачі / Науковці, Співробітники, Студенти, Усі охочі
Тематика: Навчання
Локація: Онлайн

How will rising inequality and polarisation shape education? How could advances in artificial intelligence and virtual reality transform teaching and learning? How can the education sector prepare for and mitigate climate emergencies or mental health crises? 

The 2025 edition of the Trends Shaping Education report explores the social, technological, economic, environmental and political forces impacting education systems worldwide. Introducing a range of futures thinking tools, it aims to inspire reflection on how these global trends might transform education and how education can shape a better future. 

The report is designed to give policy makers, researchers, educational leaders, and teachers a robust, non-specialist source of international comparative trends shaping education, whether in early childhood education and care, schools, universities or programmes for older adults. It will also be of interest to students, parents and anyone curious about how education can address today’s challenges and prepare for the future.

To join the webinar register via the link.

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