A scientific article must meet the requirements of journals that are indexed by international scientometric databases, be relevant, interesting to the world scientific community, which, in turn, will ensure its citation.
We offer a list of sources that will be useful when writing a scientific article.
- Scientific publications of Ukraine
- Digest e-resources - test and subscription scientific resources available to the university community.
- Databases - a list of scientific universal and thematic databases, electronic libraries, scientific repositories, archives, etc.
- RapidILL interlibrary loan system - free remote access to the collections of more than 500 leading libraries worldwide.
Sumy State University cooperates with companies that provide modern licensed services for checking academic texts to detect textual borrowings: Plagiat.pl (StrikePlagiarism system). Access to these systems is obtained within the framework of the Memorandum signed by the Ministry of Science and Education of Ukraine with the relevant companies.