
ScienceDirect is a full-text database of peer-reviewed scientific journal articles and book chapters from more than 2,500 journals and 39,000 books published by Elsevier.
Elsevier continues to actively support Ukrainian scientists in the difficult conditions of a full-scale war with russia. Ukrainian scientists have, in particular, complementary access to such research tools as Scopus, ScienceDirect, Researcher Discovery, Researcher Academy, Funding Institutional, and Mendeley.
You can have free online access to the collection of 2088 electronic monographs 2019-2020 on the ScienceDirect platform.
List of publications to which access is granted.
How do I access ScienceDirect?
Please complete the registration form if you have not previously had individual access to Elsevier products.
Next, to set up free access, follow the recommendations that will come to you in response after filling out the registration form.
Now, using your account, you can access Elsevier resources: Scopus, SciVal, ScienceDirect, Researcher Discovery, Researcher Academy, Funding Institutional, and Mendeley.
Important: to take full advantage of free access to Elsevier's research tools, you should select Complementary Scopus, Access - Ukraine as the access provider in your account.
Use of the resource requires mandatory compliance with the following conditions:
- It is not allowed to distribute and/or transfer the login/password to third parties for access to the resource.
- Full texts of documents (articles, books, chapters, etc.) may be printed or saved only for personal use for educational and research purposes.
- Systematic uploading of documents or search results, particularly with robots, is not allowed. In case of non-compliance with the requirements of this clause, access to the resource will be terminated for the entire institution.
- Transferring documents to third parties, either in electronic or printed form, is not allowed.
- Commercial use of research results is not allowed.
Natalia Dudchenko
Head of the Sector
Medical Institute, Sanatorna st., 31, Sumy, 40018
Inna Piltiai
Chief Librarian
Sumy State University Library, (LIC-204), 16, Kharkivska st., Sumy, 40007
Larisa Oniksimova
Head of the Library Branch
Congress Center, (room 202), Pokrovska st., 9/1, Sumy, 40000